Welcome to the world of possibilities! Generate passive income with our unique program.
You have unlocked lala-trooper T-Shirt!
T-Shirt for certified lala-trooper under food-lala Income Generator Program (IGP). T-Shirt for certified IGP valued at RM60. Purchases will be made once IGP training is completed.
This T'Shirt is optional. But, we need to share the same vision. Get me one!
You have unlocked lala-trooper Business Card!
Business Card for certified lala-trooper under food-lala Income Generator Program (IGP). Business Card for certified IGP valued at RM40 for 100 pieces. Purchases will be made once IGP training is completed.
We truly need you to have these cards as our true identity. Being in the team with a team identity is important for us.
Get me a set!
You have unlocked lala-trooper Certification!
Certification for certified lala-trooper under food-lala Income Generator Program (IGP) Purchases will be made once IGP training is completed.
We will equip you with latest skills and knowledge for your entrepreneurial journey. With confidence, you will be way ahead of the pack.
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You are Invited to join our lala-trooper Training Sessions
Certified lala-trooper under food-lala Income Generator Program (IGP)